Texas PE Stamp Overview
PE stamps in Texas are regulated by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (TBPELS) to ensure the authenticity and accountability of engineering work. In this blog post, we will summarize the key requirements for Texas PE stamps and provide a comprehensive overview of the relevant regulations and guidelines.
Texas Code Reference: The requirements for Texas PE stamps are outlined in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 22, Part 6, Chapter 137, Subchapter A, Rule §137.31, and the Texas Engineering Practice Act, Section 1001.401.
Stamp Size and Design – The Texas PE stamp must meet the following size and design requirements:
Requirement | Description |
Size | The seal shall be from 1-1/2 to 2 inches in diameter. |
Design | The seal shall bear the licensee’s name, license number, and the words “Licensed Professional Engineer” and “State of Texas.” |
Border | The seal shall have two concentric circles with the outer circle having a diameter between 1-1/2 and 2 inches. |
Lettering | The licensee’s name and license number shall be placed within the inner circle. The words “Licensed Professional Engineer” and “State of Texas” shall be placed between the inner and outer circles. |
Other Important Information:
- Signing and Sealing: All final engineering documents must be signed, dated, and sealed by the licensee in responsible charge of the work. The signature and date shall be placed adjacent to the seal. The purpose of the seal is to certify that the work has been performed by the licensee or under their direct supervision.
- Electronic Signatures: The use of electronic signatures and digital seals is permitted in Texas, provided they meet the requirements set forth by the TBPELS. The electronic seal and signature must be unique to the licensee, verifiable, and under the sole control of the licensee. The use of electronic seals and signatures does not negate the requirements for proper signing and sealing of engineering documents.
- Out-of-State Licensees: Professional engineers licensed in other states must obtain a Texas PE license through comity or reciprocity to practice engineering in Texas and use the Texas PE stamp on their documents. The TBPELS has specific requirements for out-of-state licensees seeking to obtain a Texas PE license, including education, experience, and examination requirements.
- Stamp Ownership: The PE stamp is the property of the licensee and must be under their control at all times. It is the licensee’s responsibility to prevent unauthorized use of their stamp and to report any lost or stolen stamps to the TBPELS immediately.
- Stamp Usage: The PE stamp should only be used on documents that have been prepared by the licensee or under their direct supervision. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that all documents bearing their seal are accurate, complete, and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and professional standards. Misuse of the stamp, such as sealing documents not prepared by the licensee or under their direct supervision, may result in disciplinary action by the TBPELS, including fines, suspension, or revocation of the PE license.
- Retention of Sealed Documents: Texas regulations require that licensees maintain a record of all documents bearing their seal for a minimum of five years following the date of sealing. These records must be made available to the TBPELS upon request and may be used in the event of a complaint or disciplinary action against the licensee.
- Professional Conduct: Texas PEs are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct and ethics. This includes maintaining competency in their field of practice, avoiding conflicts of interest, and promptly reporting any violations of the Texas PE laws and regulations to the TBPELS.
By adhering to these requirements and staying informed about any updates or changes to the Texas PE stamp regulations, professional engineers can ensure compliance with state laws and maintain the integrity of their professional work. Regular review of the relevant TAC sections, the Texas Engineering Practice Act, and the TBPELS website is essential for staying current with the latest requirements and guidelines.
For more detailed information, please refer to the official website of the Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors at https://pels.texas.gov/.